He's here! He's here! Hospital Stay I had Jay on 10-24-2017 at 8:08pm. I got to the hospital on Tuesday and was released that Friday around 11:00am. After I had Jay the first person I saw was My Mommy. My Dad would have been the first but there was a mix up in communication. SMH. LOL The board in my first room read "Baby Boy Thomas" the second room said "Welcome Javaree". The staff were great, I ate good and gave the nurses a COSMOBRACELET for their help. Home,Finally. The first person to come and see us was my friend Ayiese!! Whoop Whoop - She came to see Jay the day he came home. Her and Stuart are Jays God parents. The first day, as with all babies, he slept; All we could do was stare at him. I took a breastfeeding class so I could be prepared to feed him and OMG, what a challenge. You have to be READY to breastfeed, LOL. Its going good though. Practice makes Perfect.....or close enough. Hi Sassy, Meet Jay Sassy stayed at the P...