He's here! He's here!
Hospital Stay
I had Jay on 10-24-2017 at 8:08pm.I got to the hospital on Tuesday and was released that Friday around 11:00am.
After I had Jay the first person I saw was My Mommy. My Dad would have been the first but there was a mix up in communication. SMH. LOL
The board in my first room read "Baby Boy Thomas" the second room said "Welcome Javaree".
The staff were great, I ate good and gave the nurses a COSMOBRACELET for their help.
The first person to come and see us was my friend Ayiese!! Whoop Whoop - She came to see Jay the day he came home. Her and Stuart are Jays God parents.The first day, as with all babies, he slept; All we could do was stare at him.
I took a breastfeeding class so I could be prepared to feed him and OMG, what a challenge. You have to be READY to breastfeed, LOL. Its going good though. Practice makes Perfect.....or close enough.
Hi Sassy, Meet Jay
Sassy stayed at the Pet resort a couple of days while we were at the hospital. I knew after I was told I had to have a c section that I had to prepare myself for her. She loves to jump on me. Anyway, we come through the door and here goes Sassy. She sniffed me until she got tired, lol. At first it seemed like she wasn't paying Jay any attention but that moment was short. Til this day she goes up to Jay to smell him and then she walks off. At night she sleeps near us and one time I told her to go (meaning leave the front room and go to the bathroom) and she cried. I knew then that things would be alright...She loves being near the baby. To prepare her Vari came home while we was still in the hospital and gave Sassy one of Jays blankets so she would be familiar with his smell and It worked!Jay just went to his 2 month appointment and he now weights 12 pounds. Its safe to say his feedings are going well. Until next time.
More pics soon.
Thanks for reading.
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