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Showing posts from 2015

Part 2-Calling Customer Service: The Other Side of the Line

Part 2 starts now…. Calling Customer Service The Other Side of The Line In May of 2014 the Bureau of labor statistics listed an employment rate of 2, 511,130 in the customer service field. I am willing to bet that only 30-35% of the people employed in these positions are more than happy to assist customers while the others are just like….”Hey, it’s a job.” While this may be true, I say to you- Find a job that fits you! There are many reasons for this however I’ll just touch base on the fact that if you are not a people person do not apply for positions where you have to provide customer service. I recently called Enterprise rental car for some customer service due to a technical error on their site. I was polite of course because I really needed to get this rental book. I’ll spare you the details however her customer service was like, “heard it all before” “there is no one else you can speak to” and then tells me  “Your call ends with me”…..WHAT! Talk about coming throug...

The Other Side of the Line: Calling Customer Service

Calling Customer Service  Please Hold: Part 1 ( The other side of the Line ) Most people have jobs where they provide service to customers and as employees it’s very important to listen and then find a solution that works. Even though that’s the key point to customer service some of us (employees) are often put in situations where listening and attempting to find a solution does not work. Why? I'll give you an example: Your computer is running slow and you’ve spent hours trying to fix it and once your frustration level strikes 10 you call customer service/technical support for help. Let me explain the First problem: If you mad, don’t off!! Furthermore save the “I'm sorry about my tone it’s me not you!” or the “No one here has helped me” story. The reason for this is I’m sure by now we all understand that chances are when you call customer service for any company you almost NEVER get the same representative so don’t beat them up with your snazzy ...

Marriage: Keeping Score (You winning or nah)

           Keeping Score Do you want your mistakes to be held over your head? For you to have a healthy marriage, it’s very important to not keep a list of all the times your spouse messed up. Does this mean you will never mess up? No, of course not. We are human beings; we are imperfect, and selfish at times. You must forgive and let go, because you want your spouse to do the same for you, right? If this mistake is reoccurring or much bigger, then of course, it needs to be dug a little deeper to find out the root cause. After identifying the root cause, you must work with your spouse to ensure neither one of you does not repeat the mistake again. Keeping score turns everything into a competition with rules and boundaries, winners and losers. Rather than a home filled with prideful score keeping, strive for a home filled with grace and love.  This kind of home begins with putting down the scoreboard. From what I’ve seen in marri...

Lazy Co-Workers

 It’s not uncommon to come across a lazy co-worker, and they’re not always easy to deal with. 1. Don’t let them distract you. Don’t spend your day focusing on the fact that your lazy co-worker is constantly checking Facebook, texting or snoring at the desk next to yours. Try to tune them out and focus on your work. “Human beings are funny that way,” Robbins says. “We will spend more time focusing on the fact that our colleague isn’t doing their work than it would take to just do it ourselves.” 2. 2. Don’t get caught up in the issue of fairness.Life isn’t fair. “People often say ‘it’s unfair that he gets away with doing nothing,’ but at the end of the day, it really doesn’t change anything,” Robbins says. “By pointing out that it’s not fair, we just make ourselves feel bad and the situation doesn’t change.” Instead, focus on being the best that you can be. 3. 3. Decide who you want to be. “These tips are really all about behavior, but there’s a more important question...

Flying is expensive...BUT it doesn't have to be....

Find Cheap Flights: Fly Hungry, Fly Tired I get it. You’re busy and your time is valuable. When you want airline tickets, you want the lowest price available! I was able to locate some hot tips that you should consider next time you get ready to fly. What I have listed are just general guidelines but there are always exceptions which is why you have to compare fares and compares days and flight times. Ok ,here we go: Fly when no one wants to. We are talking about flying the least popular days and times. The reason they’re unpopular is because it’s inconvenient. · Fly Hungry: Before breakfast, at the dinner hour, overnight. · Fly Tired: Travel on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Saturdays when most don’t feel like getting on a plane. -Cheapest days: The cheapest days to fly on most U.S. domestic routes are Tuesdays, Wednesday and Saturdays . Learn more about this here. -Expensive days: Popular days will cost more. The most popular/most expensive days are usually Fridays and Sund...

What does your feet say about YOU?

Red Flag Feet Bunions, hammer toes, corns, calluses, we’ve all heard the jokes about having bad feet. Should we laugh or be Concerned? As you age, your feet tend to spread and lose the fatty pads that cushion the bottom of your feet. If you are carrying extra weight, the bones and ligaments take an extra beating. Also, any abnormalities that you were born with can become more pronounced or painful as your foot joints lose their flexibility and become more rigid with age. If you have symptoms of foot problems see a podiatrist as soon as possible in order to avoid potential long term disability.    Red flag: Toenails with slightly sunken, spoon-shaped indentations What it means: Anemia (iron deficiency) often shows up as an unnatural, concave or spoon like shape to the toes' nail beds, especially in moderate-to-severe cases. It's caused by not having enough hemoglobin, an iron-rich protein in the blood cells that transports oxygen. Internal bleeding (such as an u...

Budgeting at its Best 101

Budget Business 10 Tips to help you save BIG 1. Be Realistic About Your Budget If you’ve never made a budget before, you need to start by forecasting how much money you’ll have coming in every month and how much you think you’ll be spending. The more realistic you are about each of these numbers, the more likely you’ll be to stick to your budget. 2. Differentiate Between “Needs” And “Wants” In Your Budget Particularly if money’s tight, differentiating between “needs” and “wants” can help you stay within budget. Needs come first, and if there’s money left over, you can spend on wants. 3a. Guess Low For Income In your budget, be conservative, and guess low for income. If your income exceeds the amount you factored into your budget, all the better! But you don’t want to be caught short because you were overly optimistic. 3b. Guess High For Expenses In addition to guessing low for income, guess high for expenses. This, too, will give you some wiggle room w...

The Pros and Cons of Air Humidifiers

  Ai r humidifier s Sinus infection? Snoring? Constant Colds?   ……Let’ find a solution that’s best fit for you and your family. The combination of winter’s dry air, a turned-up thermostat, and closed windows can wreak havoc on your respiratory system. The best way to combat dry air and reduce your susceptibility to infection is to invest in a humidifier although as we all know there are drawbacks to everything. In this case you can actually avoid the drawbacks by taking on some responsibility in which I provide details below. Let me know your thoughts……I’m still deciding! Benefits  1. Relieve sinusitis : When the air is too dry, sinuses don't drain and function properly. According to many experts, adding humidity to the air is  generally good for sinus health — especially if you're regularly suffering from congestion and sinusitis. 2. Heal faster : Whether it be a cold, asthma, or allergies, a humidifier keeps  your nasal passages lubricate...

Wanna Have Fun?

6 Ways to have Fun with Your Spouse “You don’t’ stop having fun when you get old, you get old when you stop having fun” Wrestle Sounds silly but I do it quite often in my place! It’s all about the kid in you, don’t be uptight, get loose. You can pillow fight, food fight….whatever your choice is…YOU start it! Act out a movie scene If its popular chances are we’ve done this. It’s hilarious; Scarface, Gladiator, Life, Adam Sandler movies, Coming to America…….pick your favorites. We all remember the lines in our favorite movies! Hit the courts Now this may not be as much fun if your husband is 6’5 like mine but give it a try. You stay active and most importantly its time well spent ……No cheating! Spend time with other couples I believe being social is important although some may beg the differ …. “If you find another couple that you can both click with, then you can go out and you can do these fun things together. What you are doing is supporting and encouraging you...

6 Ways to Enjoy Yourself

Learn how to Enjoy YOURSELF Do you have a Disease to Please? Always Busy? Take a day off and make Yourself A Priority.  Disconnect from work “With the internet, laptops, PDA’s, and Blackberries, we are pretty much always connected to our work 24/7. Although it can be great for productivity, it doesn't allow you to take a step back and refuel your energy & creativity. This is why, to really have a good day off” The average person is online so much statistics are starting to write about what we’re NOT doing because we are always online. Crazy right! Put down the mobile devices and try to relax your mind. Take a day out of the week, and go into YOU-MODE….if they love you, they’ll understand. Stay away from routine “On your day off, don’t do the same things that you do every day. For example, don’t wake up at the same time, or have the same breakfast or do the same activities that you would do on a regular day. Your day off needs to be a comp...

Married? Find out how to stay that way

How to Stay Married I read this from an article where the guy states, “I can’t yet say how to stay married for 50 years, but here are a few things that can help you get to 40!” Never use the  divorce  word in arguments; it makes your partner feel like they’re standing on a banana peel. If you have used it in the past, stop and never do it again! Set aside a few minutes every day, make eye contact and talk about something besides running a household—your day, dreams, disappointments. Tell your spouse “I love you,” and affirm something they do at least once a day. Touch each other often—there is a transfer that takes place. (Think what happened when the woman touched the hem of Jesus’ robe.) Spend time together alone. You may both need to drop to your fourth, fifth or even sixth favorite thing to do to find something you both like. Pray  with  each other. We pray for the day—it only takes one or two minu...

Control Yourselves

Developing Self Discipline John MacArthur Here are some things that have helped me through the years: 1. Start Small. Start with your room. Clean it, then keep it clean. When something is out of place, train yourself to put it where it belongs. Then extend the discipline of neatness to the rest of your home. 2. Be on time. That may not seem very spiritual, but it's important. If you're supposed to be somewhere at a specific time, be there on time. Develop the ability to discipline your desires, activities, and demands so that you can arrive on time. 3. Do the hardest job first. When you do that, you will find it easier to do the simpler tasks. 4. Organize your life. Plan the use of your time; don't just react to circumstances. Use a calendar and make a daily list of things you need to accomplish. If you don't control your time, everything else will. 5. Accept correction. Correction helps make you more disciplined because it shows you what ...

The Product of Laziness- PROCRASTINATION

Procrastination Procrastination is often overlooked as a psychological disorder and simplistically attributed to laziness. However, extensive research over the past few decades has revealed procrastination as a far more psychologically significant condition with complex causes and serious implications. Procrastination has also been identified as a common symptom of a more significant underlying psychological disorder. First, modern technology makes it increasingly easier for people to procrastinate. The computer has activities that cater to many different sectors of society and distractions like checking e-mail, messaging friends instantly, surfing the news, listening to music, watching videos on YouTube, playing computer games and hanging out in virtual social networks like Facebook and MySpace can all unnecessarily delay the task at hand. The computer isn't the only distraction: television, cell phones, mp3 players, video games and a whole host of increasingly sophi...