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Showing posts from June, 2012

Who are you to IGNORE Me?

The Biggest Hiring Mistake You Can M ake  Growing companies tend to be inundated with job applications. Sure, its pain to respond to everyone, but columnist Jeff Haden says you are making a big mistake if you don't. Here's why: Its disrespectful to potential employees: People pay your business the highest compliments of all by saying they would like to work for you; after all, it means they would like to spend more time with you than their families. Why is it OK for you to ignore them? It's terrible PR: Job applicants are often excited about your business, and they tend to share that enthusiasm with friends. If you don't respond, they won't complain to you--but they will certainly complain about you. Sidenote: We all know how frustrating it is to search for jobs... especially when we need one like yesterday! Back in the day we could easily show our...

Employers are now checking Social Sites!!!

Social media has increasingly become a huge part of today’s society and most of all the job market. Sites like face book, twitter, Linked In and Skype allows us to advance in our careers along with our reputations. These sites are literally changing the way employers communicate with us. Using these tools can also help you to Network with other business associates and clients, it can show employers your technical, writing and communication skills, and most importantly they can help you to be become marketable and competitive in the field of your choice. With that being said, there are thousands of communities’ online and reputation is also very important because what you put online represents who you are and it can affect how people see you as a person. For those who aren’t quite technological savvy, these digital tools lets you draw information from millions of people and organizations and I’m talking from all over the globe so the opportunities are endless and right now there...

White Man goes HAM on his Last Meal Request

Last Meal If the state of Mississippi hadn't killed Gary Simmons Jr., his last meal might have. Simmons, a convicted murderer on death row since 1997,   requested a collection   of heart-stoppers, including two Pizza Hut pizzas (one a double portion), almost 6 pounds of cheese, 80 ounces of ranch dressing, a family-sized bag of Doritos, two strawberry milkshakes, 40 ounces of Cherry Coke, a supersized McDonald's fries and two pints of strawberry ice cream. His state-sanctioned feast   was estimated   to be 29,000 calories — what an average man eats in a two-week period. No word on whether Simmons finished his meal; Mississippi finished him Wednesday. His   last words : "Let's get it on so these people can go home."

Take The StressTest

Determine what's really bothering you! Common triggers of stress include excessive work responsibilities, fear of losing a job, difficulty getting along with a boss or coworker, or challenges with making deadlines and quotas. Stress exists in many forms. Here are some tips that may help you manage stress in your life:   Focus on Time Management. Don't wait until the last minute to complete a project or assignment. Work in small chunks well before your deadline to help streamline your plan and organize your ideas.   Maintain a Healthy Balance. Take short breaks throughout the day to recharge and refocus. Enjoy a brisk walk or read a few chapters in a novel to refresh your mind.   Think Positively. Focus on the positive in your life and avoid the negative. Remember that positive thoughts are encouraging—and stress relieving.   CLICK THE LINK TO TAKE THE STRESS TEST!

Are you sitting down at work?

Exercises You Can do While Sitting at Your Desk Sitting at a desk to work all day is not good for the body. However, if you have to sit for a long period of time there are some simple exercises you can do to improve your overall body health. Neck:  To stretch your neck, slowly flex your head forward/backward, side to side and look right and left. This can be done almost anytime to lessen tension and strain. Never roll your head around your neck. This could cause damage to the joints of the neck. Shoulders:  Roll your shoulders forward around 10 times, then backward. This helps release the tension off your shoulders. Arms and Shoulders:  A good stretch for your arms and shoulders is to brace your hands on the edge your desk, each about a shoulder width away from your body. Twist your hands in so they point toward your body and lean forward, hunching your shoulders. Take this a step further and push your shoulders and elbows closer to the des...

Not the Factory!

Is Cheesecake Factory getting stale? 9 Days ago it was reported.....The stock drops after a research note questions the company's projections. The company's business may be slowing down. The stock dropped by as much as 5% Monday after an analyst at William Blair & Co. cut her rating to "market perform" from "outperform." The stock's slide put the brakes on what had been a pretty nice year of growth. Shares fell below $25 last October, but climbed back to nearly $33 last week. Heading into the close Monday, the stock was down to $30.29. The analysts at William Blair said their checks showed a choppy May for the casual dining sector, and that comes after a softer April. The Cheesecake Factory is not immune to these industry trends, writes analyst Sharon Zackfia. As a result, the analysts are expecting Cheesecake Factory sales to slow . They think same-store sales will be at or below the low end of the company's forecast for ...

Do You have enough?

Let Go of the water bottle. Your plenty hydrated people By Melissa Dahl If you can't stomach the thought of guzzling down eight glasses of water every single day, here's some good news: You're off the hook, more health experts are saying.  A new editorial in an  Australian public health journal  is the latest to bust the widely-repeated health myth we need to guzzle 64 ounces, or eight 8-ounce glasses, of water each day just to stave off dehydration. Actually, we get enough fluids to keep our bodies adequately hydrated from the foods we eat and the beverages we drink -- even from caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea.  Turns out, the whole "eight glasses a day" thing "really is no longer the recommendation; the recommendation is drinking to thirst," explains Madelyn Fernstrom, a registered dietitian and TODAY's diet and nutrition editor. Drink when you're thirsty! What a novel idea. It's not a bad idea to consume 64 oun...

Black Girls

Black Girls Don't benefit as much From exercise In a new study of U.S. preteen and teen girls, daily exercise was strongly linked to weight and obesity in white girls but not black girls. Although it's still important to promote physical activity in all young people, according to the researchers that may not be enough to prevent black girls -- who have a higher rate of obesity   to begin with -- from gaining weight. "I think everyone would agree we need people to be active. It's not sufficient on its own to prevent weight gain, but it's really an important part of the equation," said Alison Field, who studies weight in adolescents and women at Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital Boston. Still, the new findings "would suggest that… what we've been recommending may not be the perfect fit for African Americans," Field, who wasn't involved in the new research, told Reuters Health. One possibility is that along with...

Copy and Share if you Dare

Do you like quotes? Well, I'm a fan....I like anything that that speaks truth and that is inspiring.  At work I took on the responsibly of getting my team Motivated and Inspired. How? I send out these cute but yet sometimes corny emails with Motivational Quotes. Whatever ....they like it. The point is the smallest things can really lift us up, especially when we feel like there are people that can RELATE *Hi Five*.  My Favorites relate to life, friends, people, and things so...I guess I pretty much like almost all of them I've read. Anyway, ......Copy and share if you dare.  1.You must be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. - John Wooden, former UCLA basletball coach 2.Attitude controls behavior. - Unknown 3.People can alter their lives by altering their attitudes. - William James 4.No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roo...

Did he really...

NFL player earns DWI in McDonald's drive-thru “He didn’t get fries with that” Minnesota Vikings running back Jerome Felton weighs in at a hefty 246 pounds, and we think we know what might be the cause of his bulk: alcohol and late-night McDonald's runs. That pairing got the 25-year-old player in a bit of trouble last Saturday morning when cops were called to the Mickey D's drive-thru of a Twin Cities suburb to respond to a report of an intoxicated driver. When police arrived, they found Felton , who has been on the roster of four different teams in the last two seasons, behind the wheel. He was booked for careless driving, along with two different DWI charges. He didn't get fries with that. Is it just me? Making that much money....  wouldn't  it just make  sense  to have someone drive you. I mean c'mon we are not talking about a lil cash....he...

Did Y'all know?

Keeping it in the Family Did y'all know that Raheem  (Khalil  Kain) from Juice was Maino's "Hi Hater" brother? Welp, I didn't and found it to be another case of "Keeping it in the family'.  (Don't get me wrong, Maino isn't a star or anything but he aight.) But anyway, once someone in the family makes it...chances are you will too (if you play your cards tight) simply because you'll be in "The Know" crowd.  Brothers-9 Years Apart                                                                  PS. I posted this because Khalil Kain was my baby daddy back in the day. (You aint know) lol 

Shoot for the Moon

Even if you missed, you'll land among the stars.  Ever told yourself you were gonna do something and it just never got done? In some cases this happens because we either think the plan isn't going to work or we feel as if the goal we set isn't realistic for us. Either way we miss our chance at landing among the stars.  Goal setting is something that many of us laugh really, who has time to write anything down these days?! As nontraditional as pen and paper may sound for some writing down goals help you to have balance in life.... to help accomplish this remember: Goals need to be complete and focused, much like a road map; more  importantly m ake sure the goal you are working for is something you really want, not just something that sounds good. Develop Goals in these 6 areas of Life Family and Home  Financial and Career  Spiritual  and Ethical  Phys...

What a Friend

Happy Sunday Everyone It's a beautiful day in South Florida, although it may drizzle a little later.  The title "What a friend" brings sooo many memories...I'm baptist so that was clearly the song of my life, along with Amazing grace of course.  When you hear someone start off saying "What a friend", in most cases you know that person (friend) must be someone very special. There may be that friend who loaned you money when you needed it the most, or maybe even offered you a ride to work when you just couldn't make it. Either way, "What a friend". Each day in life many of us are faced with challenges that can sometimes overwhelm us to the point of giving up. Times like this shouldn't let us down for we all should know that God is watching over us and he will never give us more than we can bear.  Next time you feel down and out or as if there's n...

How It Begins

WooooHoooo! Welcome to Keepin it 99!! Why? Because you won't miss a beat here....I'm supplying the weird, wacky,OMG,LMAO,WTH,SMH and the "I didn't know about that" News. Where's the 1% you asked? Hmmm....we'll never know because we wasn't there! BAM Stay Tuned...I'm bringin that "Take offline T"