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Showing posts from November, 2016

A Life of Service

A life Of Service The amazing Zig Ziglar once said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” Live a life of service to others and you will never feel alone, defeated or unsuccessful. Ahhhhhhh, what a feeling, what an accomplishment, what a fantastic Goal .Do you agree? I certainly do which is why I’m forever going through clothes, shoes, and other not so fun for me anymore gadgets. They say ones trash is another’s treasure and I have found thisto be very true so I have no problem sending my used items off to others who may find pleasure and fashion in them. Giving out clothes, providing community service hours, or even cleaning may not be your thing however there are soooooo many ways to provide live a life of service, starting with a simple smile. Have you ever been somewhere and smiled at someone who was not smiling yet they did when they saw yours? ….Or better yet, have you ever made someone laugh and ...