Embracing Life Being prepared Knowledge and experience is power and immediately eliminates worry and the unknowns. It is true – we will never be able to control or know everything, but we can equip ourselves to the best of our ability by seeking out the necessary resources. Love yourself It’s impossible to be motivated and accept positive change, if you do not love yourself. Don’t allow you’re past to beat you up; we all have failed; it’s a part of life. Don’t go through life mad about things that are out of your control or for many of us situations that we created ourselves . Worrying Worrying, is a combination of knowing something is outside of our control and not having the experience or knowledge to be certain of what will occur. Sounds familiar? ……. Worry about not making the most out of your time while you are still able to. You will never be younger than you are today, so take advantage -Don't worry and be happy. Don’t let others bring you down ...