Hi Everyone!
This week is for my job seekers - whoop whoop- Don’t be
discouraged….I know it can be tough applying for numerous positions with no
call backs but take a look at my tips to
see how YOU can stand out. I found these awesome tips on the net in which make
up a great candidate for any career move. Be the next person to fulfill your
Cover Letters!
Don't send a generic cover letter to many
different companies.
Hiring managers can spot a mass mailing a mile away. What gets their attention are letters that address the company -- and its needs – specifically
Hiring managers can spot a mass mailing a mile away. What gets their attention are letters that address the company -- and its needs – specifically
Do address the specific position advertised.
Companies that post openings are making your life easier by telling you the qualities they are seeking. Show the company that you paid attention. If a company advertises that it is looking for sales experience, make sure you address your sales experience. Please pay close attention this.
Companies that post openings are making your life easier by telling you the qualities they are seeking. Show the company that you paid attention. If a company advertises that it is looking for sales experience, make sure you address your sales experience. Please pay close attention this.
Don't make the reader work too hard to see that
you are right for the position.
Include specific examples about your past successes and experience. If you are looking for a marketing position, give the reader detailed information about a marketing campaign you successfully executed. Now be sure that you DO NOT add some foolishness that you know darn well you can’t explain…In other words, don’t get embarrassed.
Include specific examples about your past successes and experience. If you are looking for a marketing position, give the reader detailed information about a marketing campaign you successfully executed. Now be sure that you DO NOT add some foolishness that you know darn well you can’t explain…In other words, don’t get embarrassed.
Do get
to the point.
Hiring managers receive letters and resumes from dozens and even hundreds of applicants, and often just don't have the time to read lengthy, wordy letters. Be direct. In the first paragraph….with that don’t start off like everyone else..Say something attention grabbing that was mentioned within their qualifications so they’ll know you’re the one.
Hiring managers receive letters and resumes from dozens and even hundreds of applicants, and often just don't have the time to read lengthy, wordy letters. Be direct. In the first paragraph….with that don’t start off like everyone else..Say something attention grabbing that was mentioned within their qualifications so they’ll know you’re the one.
Don't end your letter passively.
Nobody gets a job by sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. Similarly, not many people get a call once a resume or cover letter is sent. Since you are the one looking for work, you need to take the initiative and follow up. You can not be looking for a job with the assumption that after you hit “Submit” you wait. WRONG.
Nobody gets a job by sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. Similarly, not many people get a call once a resume or cover letter is sent. Since you are the one looking for work, you need to take the initiative and follow up. You can not be looking for a job with the assumption that after you hit “Submit” you wait. WRONG.
Do write and edit your letter with great care.
Nothing says "I don't really want this job" like a cover letter with typos, incorrect information, or spelling errors. Make sure the company's name is spelled correctly. Please do not make the assumption that “You got it” ..Share it with a friend and have them look over it if needed.
Nothing says "I don't really want this job" like a cover letter with typos, incorrect information, or spelling errors. Make sure the company's name is spelled correctly. Please do not make the assumption that “You got it” ..Share it with a friend and have them look over it if needed.
When filling out an application
online or completing a Resume
· Listing a spouse as a reference
· Not spelling out the name of an
employer or school (“LSU” instead of “Louisiana State University” or “ZDE”
instead of “Ziff Davis Enterprise”)
· Not providing a city or state
for an employer or school
· omitting the area code from a
phone number for a reference or employer
· providing only a first name for
a supervisor or reference
· including phone numbers that
are no longer in service for references or employers
BONUS TIP!E-mail accounts are
free. There’s no reason not to sign up for your own. Yet many mid-career
professionals share an e-mail account with a significant other or the entire
family, generating addresses such as dickandjane@domain.com or thesmiths@domain.com If you really want the job DO NOT do this….besides..no
one cares but YOU.
Contact me at showoff82@gmail.com
If you’d like for me to take a look at your resume.
Have a splendid evening and thanks for reading!
Stay Tuned for tomorrow’s
tips, tools and resources.
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I look forward to your replies, Thanks again!