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Showing posts from March, 2017

9 weeks

Its been a month since my last post. Symptoms are minimum (TYJ) but I'm always hungry- Geesh! Its obvious why pregnant women gain so much weight. Food is the cure for everything with me. I wake up feeling sluggish, I eat, then I'm good. If I can't sleep at night, I go to the fridge and grab a snack then I'm good. I do my daily walk (2.5 miles a day) I get back home and I'm starving, I eat then I'm good. Its safe to say that "Food Rules Everything Around Me". Just last night I noticed some lower back pain and "GOOGLE SAYS" that this can come from many things such as my sleeping position, my growing belly, running, walking, bending...basically anything can bring upon some discomfort at this point. Google never gives a straight up answer so then you're left on this internet hunt to diagnose yourself of reasons why. All in All being pregnant will bring upon such changes so I just handle it like a big girl and besides its not that bad so fa